
JHA’s, PTP’s, TBT’s

Eisenhour stated “… it’s not the plan but the planning that matters”. We recognize that safety is essential to our work. Every day starts with a morning huddle to review the work and the process with which it will get done. You engage every person. Why? Because that is how every person contributes to the success of your safety program. But it’s not about safety for safety’s sake, it’s about everyone going home every night whole, the same way they came in that morning. You bring everyone together because its the physical contact that drives us to care about each other. You make it personal, you get to know the people you work with, you measure them and they measure you. It’s a TEAM. That is how safety helps us go home every night.

Processes we utilize to make what we care about effective:

  • Job Hazard Analysis
  • Pre-Task Plans
  • OSHA training
  • Tool Box Talks
  • Weekly Safety Manual Topic overviews
  • Competent Person trainings
  • Confined Space training
  • Trenches and Excavation training
  • Job site safety orientations for each specific job tasks
  • New Hire Orientation that includes Contractor Safety, Fall Hazards, Sexual Harassment, and Diversity & Inclusion trainings.
The reporting of all near misses are required for all job sites and offices for safety training and disciplinary purposes.
Root Cause Analysis protocols are activated for all incidents to determine if administrative or engineering controls, training, and/or personal protective equipment (PPE) need to be created.
Harness safety at Fountain Electric & Services